Discovery Telecom
Advanced Interception Systems.
Intelligence and surveillance
Tel./Fax: +353 1 902 6688

CamHunter. The unique detector of hidden camcorders


Main characteristics
Vendor DT
Category Counter Surveillance (TSCM)
Standart Bluetooth
Frequency 3 Hz sampling rate
Active range (m) 10
OS APP for Android
Decryption Up to 10 of detectable types of cameras
Battery Li-Pol
Max. working time no less than 3 hours
Display colour touch screen
Antenna cylinder broadband
Q'ty of channels 2
Delivery set Device, Android App, cables, manual
Dimensions, HWD 85 x 140 x 40 mm
Weight 0.3 kg
Shipment Worldwide

The main functions and characteristics

CamHunter detects exactly the camera, and not radio transmission, like other devices

CamHunter's hidden camcorder electronic detector is designed to instantly detect and search for hidden camcorders and devices that are in the active state.

CamHunter finds parasite radio emission characteristic of an electronic digital circuit which any camcorder and receiving devices possess recording and transmission of video information.

Unlike optical camera detectors or nonlinear locators, CamHunter does not require close monotonous examination of the entire room, people and objects, but allows you to determine if there is a hidden video camera near you regardless of its type, camouflage and method of transmission. 

CamHunter levelCamHunter levelCamHunter level